Cold and flu season is officially upon us, and even here in the Sunshine State, we are not immune to the rise of cases that happen in the winter months. Since the holidays, you may have become more conscious about immune-boosting activities like exercise and nutrition to help your body ward off any seasonal viruses. 

As we diligently begin to take all the necessary measures to protect our overall health—it’s important not to overlook a crucial, yet often overlooked and neglected part of our wellbeing—our hearing health. The connection between colds, the flu, and ear health is more significant than you might realize, and understanding how to protect our ears during cold and flu season is key to maintaining optimal hearing.

The Connection Between Viruses and Your Ears

When you fall victim to a cold or the flu, because of the intricate connection between the ears, nose, and throat, your ears are not immune to the virus’s impact. Congestion often accompanies a flu or cold, and mucous often finds its way into the Eustachian tubes—passages that connect the middle ear and the nasal-sinus cavity. This excess, thick fluid that does not easily drain often causes a pressure build-up in our ears, similar to when you’re flying and wish your ears would pop. Not only is the congestion in your ears uncomfortable, but it can lead to hearing issues—both acute and long-term. 

Temporarily, you may experience a degree of hearing loss due to the fluid obstructing sound passage through the ear. Intense pressure in the ear can also lead to rupture of the eardrum. While our bodies are amazing at repairing themselves, and most eardrum perforations heal with time, the rupture does not heal in some situations. Therefore, the middle ear becomes more at risk for infection and permanent damage. For this reason, ear infections should be treated immediately, as neglecting your health can pose the risk of hearing loss.

Tips for Protecting Your Hearing During Cold and Flu Season

Have a Hygiene Routine

You can protect your hearing during cold and flu season in several simple ways, starting with good ear hygiene. As tempting as it is to grab a cotton swab to clean inside your ears, they can push wax deeper and potentially cause damage. Instead, opt for a gentle cleaning routine like a washcloth you can wipe around your ear’s opening and avoid inserting any objects into the ear canal. 

Something you may not know is that dry ears are more susceptible to infection, so maintaining proper moisture in the ears is equally as crucial. Skin conditions and environmental factors can lead tofe dry ears. If your ears are causing you discomfort from dryness, an audiologist can help suggest an appropriate remedy, such as antifungal ear drops, moisturizing ear drops, petroleum jelly, and a good ear hygiene routine. 

Maintain Your Hearing Aids During Cold and Flu Season

If you wear hearing aids, proper maintenance of your hearing aids is always essential, but even more so if you’re experiencing upper respiratory congestion. At Hearing Aids of Sarasota, we offer consultations for our patients and can guide you on managing your hearing aids effectively during illness.

Incorporate Nutrition and Immune Support

A healthy diet contributes to our overall well-being and plays a significant role in maintaining our ear health. Incorporating immune-boosting foods rich in vitamins and minerals is a wise strategy to protect your ears during cold and flu season. Snack on your favorite citrus fruits, add some leafy greens to your dinner, and grab a handful of nuts when you’re on the go. Incorporating these foods into your diet can provide the nutrients necessary for a robust immune system, subsequently benefiting our ears! 

Professional Guidance for Protecting Your Ears During Cold and Flu Season 

As we navigate this cold and flu season, be sure to prioritize the well-being of your ears. By understanding the connection between illnesses and ear health, you can ensure that your hearing remains optimal.  

For comprehensive solutions and expert guidance on maintaining optimal ear health, explore the services offered by Hearing Aids of Sarasota. Connect with our team today to prioritize your hearing well-being. Visit Hearing Aids of Sarasota for more information and personalized support.