If you’re like most people, you probably woke up on January 1st, walked into your kitchen, and ate the first of, hopefully, many healthy breakfasts to come. Year after year, health goals top the charts as some of the most common New Year’s resolutions. You might add spinach to your smoothie or take an early morning stroll, but don’t forget this easy-to-overlook aspect of your health: your hearing! 

Whether you get your hearing screened regularly or keep putting it off, here are some top hearing health resolutions you can commit to in 2024 (and certainly, make that hearing screening a January commitment!). 

Turn Down the Volume

Do you love blasting your favorite music in the car or attending loud events? If you’re concerned about your hearing health, it might be time to back off these activities. Listening to noise over 70 decibels can damage your hearing, especially over prolonged periods. So, resolve to protect your hearing by keeping the volume down on the devices you can control and using ear protection when you can’t control how loud the environment is, such as at a concert or football game. 

Invest in Ear Protection

Depending on your lifestyle, you may be exposed to loud noises more than you realize. Whether you volunteer in your child’s school cafeteria, work security at a packed stadium, or catch your favorite bands on tour, your hearing may be at greater risk than you know. Fortunately, more devices are on the market than ever to protect your hearing. Depending on the overall noise level and how much you need to be able to hear, you could opt for noise-canceling headphones, earplugs, or even newer devices that aim to filter out excessive noise. The options for ear protection are nearly endless!

Toss the Cotton Swabs

If you still use cotton swabs in your ears in 2024, move this tip to the top of your list. Inserting swabs into your ear canals can damage the delicate tissue inside your ears. They can also push earwax farther back into the ear canal, which can cause obstructive hearing loss and even infection. If you struggle to control your earwax, schedule a professional earwax removal appointment with us. 

Remember to Wear Your Hearing Aids

Maybe 2023 was the year you went to your audiologist, got fitted for hearing aids, and finally brought them home. But, perhaps, you forget to use them or frequently leave them at home. In that case, 2024 can be the year you make full use of your hearing aids! 

It’s easy to grow accustomed to a gradual decline in hearing; you may be surprised at how easily you can navigate shopping trips to family gatherings when you wear your hearing aids. If you have trouble remembering to wear them, place them near something you use every morning, like your toothbrush or coffee maker. 

Maintain Your Hearing Aids

Once you’ve grown accustomed to hearing more clearly every day, you’ll never want to go back. So, it’s essential to keep your hearing aids well-maintained. Keep them clean and dry, away from damp spaces. Turn them off when you aren’t using them, and check the batteries regularly. Clean them daily with a hearing aid cleaning kit or a soft cloth. Keep your audiology appointments and bring your hearing aids back periodically to be checked and maintained. 

Adopt a Healthy Lifestyle

Healthy eating, exercise, and sleep are critical for every aspect of your health–and your hearing is no exception. Eating a variety of fruits and vegetables provides your body with essential vitamins and minerals that can help you maintain your hearing. Regular exercise can help your hearing by improving ear and brain circulation. Finally, if you smoke cigarettes, the best thing you can do for your overall health–and hearing–is quit. 

Stay Hydrated

Just like maintaining a healthy diet, keeping your body hydrated is essential to improving your hearing health. Drinking lots of water can keep your cells functioning optimally, reduce inflammation in your inner ears, and prevent tinnitus (ringing in the ears). Bottoms up!

Schedule Your Hearing Screening

Finally, don’t forget to schedule your hearing screening. If you’re over 60, get a hearing test at least every few years (or more often, depending on your audiologist’s recommendations). If you’re younger than 60, getting screened may still be a good idea, especially if you work in a loud environment or have noticed any concerning symptoms. 

At Hearing Aids of Sarasota, our experts provide comprehensive hearing assessments, counseling, and state-of-the-art hearing aid solutions. Contact us today to kick off a new year of health, happiness, and hearing health.